The struggles of being a Dad using toilets with no Baby Changing Facilities #squatforchange

The struggles of being a Dad using toilets with no Baby Changing Facilities #squatforchange

Are you a Dad or male carer that has to use public toilets to change your child’s nappy? Even for mums it’s not easy; long queues, impatient little ones in busy confined and often noisy washrooms.

So, can you imagine not having a changing table at all? Well, that is the reality for most Dads who are frustrated with not having adequate and safe facilities to change their child’s soiled nappies. One frustrated father has launched a campaign to try to change this for the better. His objective is to have suitable baby changing facilities as standard in all washrooms.

Putting your child an unhygienic floor or other unsanitary surface of a public toilet is often the only option. However, this Dad has come up with a makeshift solution. His squatting technique is uncomfortable and awkward, but at least it works, however there are better solutions.


Donte Palmer is a Dad of three sons and has started the movement #squatforchange, as well as an Instagram account Three Boys One Goal.

“What’s the deal with not having changing tables in men’s bathroom as if we don’t exist. Clearly, we do this often because look how comfortable my son is. It’s routine to him! Let’s fix this problem!”- Palmer

Arguably, some toilets do have family rooms, for both genders to use however, these are in no way, commonplace. There are still an inexcusably disproportionate amount of fathers left without any baby changing facilities to use in their washroom.

“Changing tables are important in men’s restrooms because fathers deserve the opportunity to be their best,” Palmer said.

Absolute Hygiene Solutions has a range of Baby Changing Facilities that can eliminate this problem for both Men & Women’s toilets. Our services include, Baby Changing Units, Nappy Vending as well as disposal, Changing Table Sanitiser and Infant Safety Seats. Call us on 0208 317 9693 to take the stress away for your customers & visitors so that family days out are enjoyed.

With the hashtag starting to gain some traction, Donte Bowtie Plamer has managed to raise $1459 of his $50,000 on his GoFundMe. He plans to donate excess money to the National Diaper Bank charity.#squatforchange

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